Train Status

【運行情報】JR線で発生した人身事故の影響で上大岡駅〜三崎口駅間の下り線の一部電車に遅れ。【お知らせ】イブニング・ウィング号 品川駅20:58発 14号、品川駅21:19発 16号はサービスを休止し快特として運転。 


It is one of main urban areas in Kanagawa, and within a 20-minute ride from Haneda Airport. Kawasaki includes Keikyu Line Kawasaki Station, where many stores line the streets, and there are also many temples and shrines, including Kawasaki Daishi. Yokohama and Minato Mirai are well known for gorgeous night views and sophisticated neighborhoods facing the ocean. It is a popular tourist area for the Japanese too.

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